Are you a parent of adult children and struggle with the decisions they have made with their life? Join us for this one day workshop to encourage and challenge our relationships with our adult chlldren utilizing resources from Setting Boundaries with Adult Children by Allison Bottke and the Prodigal Parenting Process by Doug Weiss. $20 suggested donation includes lunch.
Full of gratitude for 2024 and looking forward to the hope in 2025. Check out our end of year reflection presentation.
What does it mean to feel validated? Validation is acknowledgement of someone's essence, experience, and perspective. It is best demonstrated as we take notice of another's heart. Many of us didn't receive this kind of acknowledgment, nor did we learn to give it to others.
AFFIRM Ministries is a bible-based ministry which emphasizes the importance of acknowledgment through THE NOTICE podcast, one on one mentoring, speaking, books, support groups, and workshops. Speciality topics include prodigal parents, sexual betrayal, sexual abuse, co-dependency, conflict resolution, apology techniques, and validation coaching.
To provide one on one mentoring, workshops, podcast, and events which offer spiritual healing through connection with God and understanding of validation needs.
Safety – Provide a natural, therapeutic atmosphere to encourage exploration and disclosure
Authenticity – Encourage sincere, real relationships based on sharing of vulnerabilities and non-surface topics.
Relevant – Offer vulnerable workshops topics in smaller settings to increase intimacy
Growth – Encourage, celebrate, and model spiritual growth as a fundamental part of sanctification.
Community – Offer activities that will encourage a sense of belonging.
At the heart of AFFIRM Ministries is Susan Hoekstra. For over 20 years, she has worked with individuals who have been betrayed, abused, grew up fatherless, are prodigal parents, or creatives. utilizing the principles found in her book A FIRM GRASP - Feeling validated in a notice-me world.
After years as a professional classical musician, she experienced a personal crisis which helped her embrace the mercy of God. From there, she started songwriting, leading small groups, teaching bible studies, speaking at women's retreats, writing, and lay counseling. She has been a featured writer in Just Between Us magazine, Christian Devotions and as a featured guest on PROCLAIM FM radio and numerous podcasts. She is host of THE NOTICE podcast and God STORIES LIVE. Her book A FIRM GRASP - Feeling validated in a notice-me world explores the need for acknowledgment and approval and how the God of mercy satisfies! In the Spring of 2022, she and her husband purchased Maple Ridge PLACE, a 14 acre property which has become the home of AFFIRM Ministries and Freedom Farm Ministries, offering workshops, one on one mentorships, praise gatherings, equine therapy, gardening and more.