Do you ever feel invisible or unheard? Do you find yourself grasping onto words of affirmation like a lifeline? Join us on THE NOTICE - a podcast that explores our need to be noticed through biblical musings and unique stories from special guests. Experience relevant topics and encouragement as we take notice of how the God of mercy satisfies!
Have you been wrongly accused? Is there such a thing as an accusatory spirit? Listen in as we explore this tactic of the enemy and how God takes notice of us even when wrongly accused.
Do you find yourself on a path you didn't expect? Are you wondering what happened to the dreams you had for your life? If you are a christian woman who serves in the home, at work, or in church or ministry, you’ll want to listen to this conversation I have with Julie Eickenroth, Director of Freedom Farm Ministries here at Maple Ridge Place. We discuss passions, how God takes notice of our passions, and how to best offer those passions wherever we find ourselves
Has anyone ever told you to mind your own business? Or perhaps you have wanted to say that to someone? Listen to this episode, where we discuss what it means to mind our own business, the ways we can live quietly, and how to take notice of God and others when we do.
Are you someone who works so hard but wonders why you haven't achieved what you hoped or planned for? Maybe you feel no matter what you accomplish, you're not enough. Join me for this episode where I talk with Rachael Jenneman about her new book Underachiever. Listen in as we discuss our desire to achieve, how it gets out of control, and new ways to rest, wait, and take notice of God..
Do you find yourself trying to understand why your life ended up the way it did? Maybe you are waiting for something to change or to figure out what to do next. You’ll want to listen to this episode of THE NOTICE, where I talk with Solé Wright, author of the book After Some Time. We talk about her remarkable story, her book, and how healing does come - after some time
Feeling stressed? How do you spell RELIEF? Join host Susan Hoekstra as she discusses what causes stress, how to respond to stress, and how to take notice of God in the midst of it.
Are you a Christian woman who leads or serves in the home, work, ministry, or church? Do you find it challenging to discuss issues that come up or are your leadership abilities questioned? Join me in a conversation about women in leadership with Julie Eickenroth with Freedom Farm Ministries. We talk about what it means to be a leader, take a look at some of the women leaders in scripture, and discuss the challenges women face as they take notice of God when leading.
You could be a guest on THE NOTICE!
If you are an author, musician, artist, blogger, or someone with an important message, I'd love to hear from you!
My prayer for our time together is to focus on ways we can take notice of God or how God has taken notice of us. Or maybe you have a message about feeling invisible or needing validation or affirmation. Share!
For example, if you have a book that is about wellness, the episode might be titled
Noticing God through wellness. Please listen to a few episodes with guests so you can get an idea of the format.
Send your pitch to or use the form below.
I look forward to hearing from you!
THE NOTICE episodes are available a couple times a month, so I encourage you to LISTEN! My heart’s desire for THE NOTICE is to encourage others to take notice of what God is doing so be sure to SUBSCRIBE. If you’d like to support THE NOTICE, I would appreciate your support by writing a REVIEW on Itunes, and GIVING$.
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